GCSE Performing and Appraising (Component 1)

Students will be examined on the following:

  • one solo piece (should be at least 2 minutes and may be accompanied)
  • one ensemble piece (should be at least 1 minute and must feature at least two musicians)
  • a viva voce discussion with the examiner (no longer than 3 minutes).

The length of the solo and ensemble performance combined should be no longer than 6 minutes. 

All the details regarding the performance guidelines and possible topics of conversation with the examiner can be found in the Specification (particularly pp.6-8, 15-16 and Appendices 2 & 3). Make sure you read these pages and let Declan know if you need help. All GCSE students and their ensemble accompanists will need to be available for an assessed performance recital, organised for a Saturday in February (usually during half term).